Ashley and Tino {Cranbrook and Kimberley Wedding Photographer}

Well it's only been 11 months since Ashley and Tino's wedding so at least I can technically say a year has not yet gone by since I shot this wedding. It feels like only yesterday that I met this unicorn bride at Hot Shots in Cranbrook to discuss the details of her wedding day vision. She was easy to spot in the busy coffee shop with her flowing mane of candy apple red hair. I still to this day receive emails and inquires about this wedding "Where is her dress and veil from?" "Whats the name of her hair color?" "What venue did they get married at"? "Where are their flowers from"? Well, I don't have all the answers to these questions but this wedding was featured on the Junebug Weddings blog which answers a lot of those questions.

While I only knew that I would be shooting this wedding 2 weeks prior, I feel honoured to have been chosen and trusted by this rad couple. The vibes of this wedding were right up my alley and any photographic storyteller would have jumped at the chance to shoot them. All the details and aesthetic of the wedding were well thought out and executed from the centre pieces, green bouquets, man buns and beards to the gorgeous macrame archway. To say this wedding was stunning is an understatement.

I hope you enjoy viewing these photos as much as I enjoyed taking them.



That weekend Kootenay life...{ Kimberley/Cranbrook Family Photographer}

WARNING: This blog post contains boogers, and a dirty child. It may also ignite a desire for adventure vanning, turquoise water and serenity. Veiw at your own risk.

Lake days have officially begun here in my tiny section of the Kootenays. I know it's been here for a while for our friends to the west but 2/3 of my family is now slathered in sunscreen on a daily basis so that means the summer hustle is real. 

I have had a raging headache for about 2 weeks due to a pesky wisdom tooth wreaking havoc on the left side of my face, so needless to say I've been irritable, snappy and disinterested in anything involving moving my head off my pillow. However, my boys (husband, son and brother) wanted to go get fishing licenses and go to the lake for a few hours so I put my big girl pants up and sucked up the pain to try and enjoy my life a little. Even though my head was throbbing and the ride out was on another level of bumpy, we had a great time and I decided to let Kaz get dumpster baby dirty. All in all the evening contained all the ingredients for beautiful memories with my favourite people 
