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Well it's only been 11 months since Ashley and Tino's wedding so at least I can technically say a year has not yet gone by since I shot this wedding. It feels like only yesterday that I met this unicorn bride at Hot Shots in Cranbrook to discuss the details of her wedding day vision. She was easy to spot in the busy coffee shop with her flowing mane of candy apple red hair. I still to this day receive emails and inquires about this wedding "Where is her dress and veil from?" "Whats the name of her hair color?" "What venue did they get married at"? "Where are their flowers from"? Well, I don't have all the answers to these questions but this wedding was featured on the Junebug Weddings blog which answers a lot of those questions.
While I only knew that I would be shooting this wedding 2 weeks prior, I feel honoured to have been chosen and trusted by this rad couple. The vibes of this wedding were right up my alley and any photographic storyteller would have jumped at the chance to shoot them. All the details and aesthetic of the wedding were well thought out and executed from the centre pieces, green bouquets, man buns and beards to the gorgeous macrame archway. To say this wedding was stunning is an understatement.
I hope you enjoy viewing these photos as much as I enjoyed taking them.
If you ever get a chance to do a Joel Robison Workshop I highly recommend it! Skill level is a non-issue if your just interested in creating neat conceptual images. Joel was ready to teach and assist with any technical questions regarding camera settings or conceptual question regarding the images you want to create. An all around great guy I would say!
Here are a couple shots I took during the workshop along with my final images. I hope you like!!
Check out Joels work on Facebook here --> Joel Robison
I'm going to be honest...overly posed family portraits make me want to cry. In fact, I fail to even see the point of them. Why dish out hundreds of dollars to have someone provide you a false memory? Lets face it, it's all an illusion. Those types of photos are not an accurate representation of your family. When I started getting into family portraits my immediate instinct was to "give the people what they wanted", which I thought was stiffly posed portraits that Grandma and Grandpa would love! But as time has gone b,y I've noticed myself unconsciously evolving my workflow so that I try and get those "posey" shots out of the way to have more time for the candid moments with parents and their children. At first I wasn't sure how people would react when they saw that there was only a handful of "grandma" shots in their proofing gallery, but then it dawned on me that the work I post on social media has allowed the type of people who want those sorts of memories to find me, and in turn, for me to find them. The newly famous quote "your vibe attracts your tribe" actually has a lot of truth to it! I feel like I can offer more then just "family photos" now. I feel like I can offer a real memory, a real connection. You cannot deny that when you look at this mothers eyes as she gazes at her children's faces that you don't absorb a true sense of how deeply she loves her babies.
I hope you enjoy watching this beautiful family play in the woods as much as I enjoyed shooting it
xoxo Lucy
While we were still living in Saskatchewn and making plans to move to the East Kootenays I would day dream about all the weekend mini trip adventures we would have since there doesn't seem to be a shortage of amazing places around here that are right at our finger tips. However, when we actually moved we found that life was still pretty busy! We got off to a good start though, we did quite a bit of traveling around the East Kootenays and found some beautiful places that we've had a chance to make some beautiful memories at, but then over time things started to slow down a little. We got super comfortable just hanging out in town (and if you've ever lived in Kimberley you'll know how easy that is to do!) and unfortunately we experienced a couple personal tragedies in the last couple of years that seemed to slow down our desire for exploring. So this past weekend, there was a change in our normal schedule and we ended up having most of Saturday and all of Sunday free to ourselves, so in a super quick discussion we decided to borrow my brothers SWEET camper van (lovingly named "Raging Bull") and head over to Nelson! You might be thinking to yourself, "whats the big deal? It's only Nelson". But it's so much more then that, it's a sign that were becoming us again.
I can't really say I knew a lot about Nelson or what to expect, which is a good thing, because it far exceeded my limited expectations! Even just the drive was enough to make the trip worth it to me. It just reinforced how thankful I am to have the privilege of living in such an amazing part of our country! And I'm sure we've only touched the tip of the iceberg. We've decided that spending time alone as a family is a beautiful thing and we've committed to making more of these impromptu mini trips. There is so much out there to see, you just have to...get out there!!
In the mean time, some of these photos are literally my most prized possessions. There is nothing that I own on this planet that touches me deeper then these photos of my best friend (aka Husband) and my son. They mean so much to me, because I didn't have to tell them to do anything. I saw them goofing around on the dock, grabbed my camera, and ran like hell to get the shots haha.
I love these boys more then my life.
Lucy xoxo