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WARNING: This blog post contains boogers, and a dirty child. It may also ignite a desire for adventure vanning, turquoise water and serenity. Veiw at your own risk.
Lake days have officially begun here in my tiny section of the Kootenays. I know it's been here for a while for our friends to the west but 2/3 of my family is now slathered in sunscreen on a daily basis so that means the summer hustle is real.
I have had a raging headache for about 2 weeks due to a pesky wisdom tooth wreaking havoc on the left side of my face, so needless to say I've been irritable, snappy and disinterested in anything involving moving my head off my pillow. However, my boys (husband, son and brother) wanted to go get fishing licenses and go to the lake for a few hours so I put my big girl pants up and sucked up the pain to try and enjoy my life a little. Even though my head was throbbing and the ride out was on another level of bumpy, we had a great time and I decided to let Kaz get dumpster baby dirty. All in all the evening contained all the ingredients for beautiful memories with my favourite people
Meet Heidi and Sam. A dynamic mother daughter duo. I had asked Heidi to model for a Mum and baby session for me so that I could test out some unfamiliar locations, try my hand at styling a session, and to give my new assistant some on the job experience. Generally for work like this I do a lot of guiding so that I get the vision that I had in mind. However, these 2 completely blew my vision out of the water and gave me something better then I could have expected. I asked Heidi to just play and interact with her daughter and I would shoot her as she went. "No problem!" No awkwardness. No weird blank "I don't know what I'm doing" stares, just genuine connections. My favourite!! Even though Sam wipes out once, and went in the water a little too far and ended up with cold wet feet, we got some beautiful images of what motherhood is really all about, comforting your littles. I don't even think Sam noticed half the time that there was a crazy lady following her around with a camera which just added to the feel of this session.
Heidi is one of the most amazing people I have ever met. If only I could some how tap into just a fraction of her strength and optimism. Despite having experience unfathomable loss in her life, she remains the life of the party. Her lust for life is contagious and you can't help but smile when your around her.
I hope you love these as much as I do!!