And now, here is her birth story:
Goldie Bloom Hamilton – April 4th, 2019
Around a week and a half prior to my due date I started feeling painful contractions that I knew were more then just Braxton Hicks. They would start in my back and work their way forward and would increase in intensity. I started timing them and all the signs pointed to early labor, so I would prepare myself for that. We knew we would be having a home birth so I didn’t have a hospital bag ready but I did need to organize my children to stay with a friend, so the first day I started getting these contractions I sent them away once they started getting closer together and more painful. I let my midwife know that I MIGHT be in labor but I would check in with her once I was certain. The contractions continued for about 8 hours steadily, and then died off…hmmm strange. So, I figured it was just stage 1 of labor and that it would likely happen in the next day or so. I was so very wrong…
This awful pattern continued on for days! A week and a half to be exact. My body would attempt to go into labor, each time causing even more painful contractions, causing me to lose copious amounts of sleep due to the pain and discomfort. I had a midwives appointment scheduled and I showed up in a complete fog because of the strange thing my body was doing. I explained to her what was going on and she offered to check me for dilation. I was completely desperate, so I agreed. I had previously decided I wouldn’t ask to be “checked” with this pregnancy because in my previous births, the numbers meant nothing. I’ve gone from a 0 – 3 in 20 hours, and a 3 – 10 in 10 minutes, so I don’t find that it helps me determine where I am in the stream of time and only causes me more pain. I agreed this time though because I needed to know what was going on down there. She said I was maybe 1cm, not fully effaced but that it didn’t matter for a 3rdbaby. She said my cervix was super soft and that I could go at any time. Great. I was so desperate that I actually considered induction. I figured it would be better to get it over with then continue this daily pattern.
A friend of mine recommended that I call an Osteopath for help – Teara Ashby. She helped flip her baby and I’ve had so many clients rave about her and her magical abilities. So I called her, and she told me she was on her bathroom floor basically dying of food poisoning. I could hear how sick she was over the phone and I felt awful for her. She said she wasn’t able to help me that day but she stayed on the phone with me for 30 minutes telling me a few things I could do on my own and that if she was better in the morning she would come over. And luckily she did!
Teara came by the next morning and diagnosed all my issues by simply looking at me and touching my belly. When I say this woman is amazing, I truly mean it. She has a gift. I don’t know how she does it, but she was spot on with everything that was wrong. My baby had not flipped into her proper position like she should have, and was lying posterior with only a small portion of her head sitting on my cervix. So that’s why my labor refused to progress. With a few hand movements and some adjusting, I literally felt the baby gently engage into her proper position. It was truly amazing. She told me the baby just needed to sit there for a little bit to lower into my pelvis, and that she would come back to see me in the afternoon to do the final adjustment. She told me this was the calm before the storm and that I should relax, take a nap and do some belly hangs until she returned. So I did. At this point and time however, I was completely disillusioned to the idea that this child was ever coming out. Despite all the rave reviews about Teara, I was still skeptical and I didn’t truly believe her when she told me I would have the baby that day. It wasn’t until she returned that afternoon that things got real…I mean realer then real.
My son had come home from school and I asked my friend who was going to take my children to come over. We were just chatting causally when Teara came back and she did the final adjustment on me. She even let my kids feel my belly and told them what she was doing and everything just seemed to feel normal. Once she was done, she told me that I might want to consider packing my kids up and sending them with my friend and calling my husband home from work. Even at this time I was thinking that might not be totally necessary yet. And no sooner had I finished that thought; I got a contraction…a MEAN one. It actually kind of caught me off guard. And then another one, and another…they started hitting me hard and only 3 minutes apart. These weren’t early labor contractions either, these were the type that buckle your knees and make you need to squat for a bit. So needless to say, my friend and my children hightailed it out of there and I texted Lee to come home NOW. By the time he arrived, I was already in hard labor.
One thing I’ve never done during labor is cry. This time though, I think I cried the whole time. I was in a panic. I wanted the pregnancy to be over and no longer be in pain, but I also knew what awaited on the other side…a baby. A little person who was going to need every inch of me, despite my having two other children to care for. Someone who would be keeping me up at night, someone who would steal my quality time away from Kahzik and Elijah, someone who was going to alter my relationship with Lee. So much negativity was going through my mind, as it had the entire pregnancy. I cried, not only because this was so much more painful then I remember, but also because I felt like I was about to lose so much of what I love about my life. And I didn’t know how to repair it, grieve it, or accept it. I cried because I was so so sad that this little girls beginning, was what felt like my end.